Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2018

Ummmm, I think this is the longest I’ve gone without blogging! Holy smokes, guys! This is what happens when school’s out- summer takes over and a new kind of “busy” starts.  There’s no homework and lunch packing, but there’s vacations and playdates and kids stealing my laptop. So, forgive me for my absence! 


I will say this, last week I was in Charleston for the Haven Conference… stay tuned for a blog post recapping that! Of course it landed right as the Nordstrom sale was starting, so here I am showcasing my favorite items from the sale, a week into it. Perhaps you’ve already done some shopping, but I figured I’d share for those of you who haven’t, or for those of you who have but want to see more:) Because this sale is SO good. For those of you who don’t know how this works, the Nordstrom sale is ALL NEW items for Fall marked down now for a limited time! Once the sale ends, the prices go back up and you pay full price for lots of awesome Autumn goodies! So now’s the time to stock up! I’ve gathered my favorite fashion/beauty and home items below…


The shoes! The dresses! The blazers! The beauty products! I had so much fun scrolling the site for you guys and I hope you see something you like! Here are direct affiliate links for everything above (plus some extra). Just scroll and click 🙂 …


I’m not even sure if these (below) are currently part of the sale, but I just bought and wore these two tops from Nordstroms to wear to Haven… 


 shirt // pants // shoes


 bodysuit // pants // shoes


And here are my picks for home decor. I loved their selection!



Scroll to shop…


Alright, friends! Happy shopping! Let me know if you have any questions!





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