One Room Challenge: Week One

Ahhhh! Say what? I’m doing the ORC?? Talk about last minute!! I was first introduced to the One Room Challenge via Instagram in spring of ’15, where I took it as an opportunity to get my office done (view that HERE). It’s a six week design challenge to finish up a space in your home, and I cannot be more excited to have joined in the fun for the fall session!


So, what room am I doing? The laundry room! I needed a small space to tackle since this is such a last minute decision and I don’t trust myself to take on anything too huge at the moment. The laundry room is such an afterthought in my home right now. And it poses some design issues I’m excited to tackle. Let’s get to the before pix, shall we? Embarrassing, but this is what it’s all about, so here you go…



OK, so it’s a decently cute little laundry room. I’ll start by saying this- it will not be a huge overhaul. Would I love tiled flooring instead of vinyl, and quartz countertops instead of formica, and a farmhouse sink instead of this plastic thing? YES. But quite frankly, our laundry room is on the second floor so literally no one sees it except for me! I’d rather put those awesome features into a kitchen reno (which is in the works!) However, that’s what excites me. Even though those huge changes won’t be taking place, I’m excited to show you how DIFFERENT a space can look without spending a ton of money.



Oh, hey! Check out the awesome photo quality and piles of storage buy antibiotics in uk bins with clothes that no longer fit my kids! Woot! Talk about high class style! Ok, so that pic is displaying problem number one: When you open the door, it bangs into the linen closet door if the linen closet door is left open…



This is where the BARN DOOR is coming into play and I’m SO excited about it! A huge thank you to Rustica Hardware for sponsoring a door for this project. Their selection is amazing and I’m thrilled to not only have it be space-saving, but super gorgeous from the hallway!



Problem number two is the fact that the dryer can’t be pushed back to be flush with the washer because of the huge vent thingy behind it. That’s the technical term, right? Vent thingy? 😉 I don’t know if there’s a solution for that (if you know of one, please share), so for now, I’m thinking maybe a long shelf over the washer/dryer to at least eliminate some of the visual issues? We’ll see. At the risk of sounding over dramatic, this drives me nuts.



Let’s get to the mood board, already! 


Giddy! GIDDY, I tell you! 🙂 More on this next week! I’ll be talking about what’s going where in my next ORC post. Please feel free to subscribe to this blog on the home page so you get alerts in your email when new posts are up! This will be fun to tune in to, I promise! If not for anything other than laughing at my expense as I try to get this done by the reveal date, November 10th! 🙂






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