Wish List!

Do you guys ever play the “if we won the lottery” game? I swear my husband and I have this chat every time we take a road trip…


I’m sorry I’ve been absent from Blogland recently. It’s summer with four kids, folks! My days are spent figuring out how to keep them entertained. Last week we went to northern Michigan. We’ve taken this trip annually since 2008. So fun! Great times with cousins! And a four hour road trip to browse through magazines and chat about what I want to do to our house next:) Lol. My poor hubby!


So, since winning the lottery is most likely not in our future, it’s more fun for me to play the “What would you do with $10k” game. I give multiple choices to the hubs hoping he’ll choose what I would (although I’m sure he’d like a “none of the above” option. Lol!) I’m going to discuss my choices with you, and I’d love for you to tell me what you would choose! This is all for fun, by the way:) Not sure when any of these can happen, but hoping in the near future!


Option #1: Fifth Bedroom


Let’s talk about the issue of our wasted square footage, shall we? Our master bedroom is sophisticated and chic, but what you may not know (unless you read one of my first “keeping it real” blog posts HERE) is that we have a large sitting room in there going unused. It currently holds two Barbie houses, some toys, and two racks of my 6 year-old’s clothes, because the closet she shares with her sister is overstuffed. So you may walk in and see this…




 But you turn the corner and see this…




I’ll give you a moment to process that. Not exactly sophisticated or chic, huh? So here’s the thing. My two younger daughters began sharing a room when their brother came along. But 3 years later, he’s actually sleeping in our room on his mattress we’ve moved in front of our bed! His room is just sitting there useless and my 10 year old is thinking, buy soma cod overnight “Why can’t I have his room??” Sure, he’ll need his own room eventually. And here’s what I’m brainstorming. We need to turn the sitting room into a 5th bedroom! Yes, it will be a small 10×10 ft square, but it’s got its own window and vent. It just needs a closet and ceiling light, and I’m thinking a barn door from the hallway would be the best space-saving solution to enter/exit.


Option #2: Kitchen overhaul


I know what you’re thinking. Redoing a kitchen is way more than $10k. But I’m thinking it may not be as expensive as we think.  First of all, I rarely share photos of my kitchen on Instagram because as spoiled as I sound (I know it’s technically a very nice kitchen) it isn’t my taste if I was creating it from scratch…




Dark, Dark, Dark. So dark! I’m no master chef (not even close) but I’ve always envisioned a kitchen I work in to be light and bright. And I’m so over the orange undertones of everything going on in here. Several friends in the neighborhood have painted their kitchen cabinets recently and I was blown away by the quality of work from the person they hired! And it was so reasonably priced! I’d love white uppers and black lowers, and the big chunk of money would be spent on new counters/backsplash/lighting. I love our furniture and our appliances so we’re all set there. Hmmmm.


Option #3: All new carpet and restaining hardwood super dark.


No pic needed for this. Just know we have builder grade carpet that is near WHITE with FOUR kids. It’s embarassingly dirty:(


I’d throw in an option #4 of completely renovating our master bath or option #5 of creating a mudroom out of extra space in the garage, but those just aren’t things at the top of my wish list right now. So, of the three I just mentioned, if you were me, which would you choose? 🙂 Comment below!! For the record, hubby says option #3!













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