Spring Tablescape

You guys, two posts in one week? What is happening? Lol! I’m so happy I have an excuse to do so, actually! I’m not one to keep a routine blog schedule! I just post when I have something to share:) And today, that’s a beautiful spring tablescape! Yes, I just called my own tablescape beautiful. I can’t help it! I think it is! Thank you to Heather from Southern State of Mind, for asking me to join in this blog hop! There’s a fab group of ladies at the bottom of this post that participated so be sure to check them all out. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy everyone’s eye candy!



When I think spring, I think of flowers! And especially tulips! They’re my favorite, so I couldn’t resist creating a centerpiece with them, along with some snapdragons. These are snapdragons, right? I’m not a flower pro. No Janet Woods, if you will. Side note, if you know who that is, we may just be best friends. Anyway, no flower pro, but you don’t have to be one in order to make a tablescape look good! I simply lined three of the same vases down the center of the table and the simplicity works for me.









Personally, I think all the fun is in the place settings. The whole look started with this set of of plates I found from Home Goods. Each plate is different and I LOVE the one that looks like paint splatter. So that’s mom’s place setting, duh!



I found these mini galvanized watering cans and thought they were so cute I had to use them as place holders. I already had the mini chalkboard signs. The opening was large enough to accommodate them, but too big to leave it at that, so I stuffed them with moss and called it a day. Screams “spring” to me!  Either spring or Genevieve Gorder’s epic wall fail. Nothing but love for you, Genevieve. Nothing but love.







If you’re new here, let me introduce you to my favorite DIY project of all time. This buffet was an ugly beast with a gorgeous $50 price tag. A coat of paint on this lady and she’s the queen of the room. To read about that project, click HERE.





 Cute bunny picks are from Hobby Lobby!







If you want to read more about my dining room, click HERE. With my art background, I really wanted this room to have a museum-like feel to it. I think the gallery wall really fits the bill. This was actually the room I was married in…


 Image courtesy of the Toledo Museum of Art.


The art building of the university I went to was attached to the TMA. Lots of memories here. Which reminds me, my 18th anniversary is just over two short weeks away! Have I really been married for that long? I must’ve gotten married when I was twelve! Right?


Alright, folks! That was a LOT of photos of the same space! To see spring in my living room, click HERE. To see a spring refresh in my bedroom, click HERE. And to see what I’ve done lately in our family room, click HERE. Thank you so much for visiting! If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe on my home page and you’ll get an email whenever new posts go up!


Shop my dining room…


Happy Spring! And Happy Blog Hopping! Visit these friends below:


Southern State of Mind

At Charlotte’s House

Our Fifth House

This is our Bliss

Dixie Delights

11 Magnolia Lane

The Pink Clutch

Dimples and Tangles

Haneen’s Haven (That’s me!)








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