Phone Case Inspired Closet Design With Frog Tape®

Well, this was fun! I started transforming my 12 year old daughter’s bedroom at the beginning of the school year. She entered middle school and requested an upgrade from her “little girl” bedroom status. We added a wall mural

And more recently took on a closet door DIY inspired by her phone case!

Find the phone case HERE.

Yup, I’m that mom. I like my kids having full reign over their spaces, and if that means hours of painting psychedelic hearts on a closet, so be it! It’s all in good fun, and just paint! So excited to partner with Frog Tape® for this, as Taniya Nayak just announced her top trends for 2022, and I was asked to come up with a project to represent the trend “REVIVE.” A trend that’s carefree, festive, and fun! Nothing says carefree and fun like wild hearts on your closet, right?

Find the sweater HERE.

Perfect for a tween, this closest is the coolest way to wake up and pick out your outfit of the day. The hearts sweater was such a lucky find. Let’s get to how I did this! I took the blank slate and started free handing the hearts with a pencil…

I used Frog Tape® to tape off the “V” portion of the hearts. It got me clean, sharp lines to start with, and then I was able to freehand the curves on top.

The yellow tape is actually for sensitive surfaces, which was perfect for using on the parts of the hearts I had already painted. Frog Tape® made it super easy to get clean straight lines, but the crevices of the closet made it a bit tricky and took the most time. The end result though, made it all worth it! Such a fun closet!

Fun, right? She loves it! What do you think? Any spots in your home that could use reviving? Be sure to grab some Frog Tape® to make your projects easier.

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*This blog post is sponsored by Frog Tape®

This Article Has 2 Comments
  1. Felicia says:

    Wow! This is so groovy and gorgeous! 😍 The creativity is fabulous!

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