Finally sharing our new feature wall with you today! I’ve been talking for a while about revamping our family room, and while this isn’t the official “after,” I wanted to show you the completed look of a simple DIY that completely changed the feel of this space!
So, I want to say we created this reclaimed wood wall around 2015? It leans a little “farmhouse.” It was warm and lovely, but it was a LOT of wood. Wood wall, wood floors, wood cabinet. On top of that, my style has evolved a bit and I wanted to elevate the space with something fresh. Enter The Wood Veneer Hub! I found this company while browsing online and I knew it was exactly what this room needed! You’ve seen walls with fabulous vertical wood slats, right? Well, let me take the work out of installing individual slats and worrying about spacing, and introduce you to the company that sells them prefabricated for you on ready-made roughly 2 ft x 8 ft pieces! The slats are already mounted to recycled acoustic felt! Could it get any easier? Here’s how we did this…
First up! I decided I was going to remove the baseboard (it’s removed in the above photo) and take it all the way to the floor, but wanted to keep the crown. It was an easy decision to paint the crown black so it would be a full floor to ceiling look. I did this before we got started on the wall installation, with FrogTape®, of course!
FrogTape® always leaves the sharpest lines! I don’t do a paint project without it! I also used it to extend the black on the crown that was on the adjacent wall so it would be a continuous straight line…
For the panels, there’s a full video tutorial on The Wood Veneer Hub website, but here’s a quick version of how we did this…
We used these 3″ black drywall screws, and I actually bought these screw cap/covers to conceal them even more…
I’m not sure if the screw covers are entirely necessary. I’ve only put a few on so far because I’m not particularly bothered by the screws since they’re hard to see, but figured I’d try them out. We used roughly 15 screws (as suggested) per panel, but I really think we could’ve gotten away with using less. 15 was more than enough to keep it in place, but I think we could’ve used maybe 10 without issues. Just my opinion! They completely butt up next to each other, so installing the main, full pieces was a piece of cake. I would hold a laser level up so my husband could install the screws in a straight line…
Since they come in 8 ft pieces and our ceiling is 9 ft high, we had to cut one foot pieces (a little less, actually, since the crown took up a few inches) and slide them in at the bottom. It really did line up nicely, but on the off chance that a seam would show, I actually colored the tops with black permanent marker before pushing in place.
The majority of the wall has furniture on it, so I wasn’t too worried about the seam, but truthfully, I didn’t have to be! It’s barely visible!
The trickiest part, I would say, was working around the fireplace mantle. Our good friend down the street had one of those tools that takes the shape of whatever it is you’re trying to cut around, so he came over with that to help, and it’s amazing how perfect it is! I believe it’s called a Contour Gauge. I don’t know the exact one he had, but this one got great reviews!
Another thing that won’t be seen since it’ll be behind furniture, but I’ll show you how we did it- was working around outlets! We simply marked where they were and cut that slat that was blocking where a plug would go. After cutting the wood slat, we used a razor/box cutter to cut the felt backing out. I actually love this because it’s like having a recessed outlet. So furniture won’t stick out when you have something to plug in!
You can get a better look at this in the image below. I ended up painting the top of the piece that was cut so that it was black also.
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Cheers to this new feature wall! Stay tuned for some new furniture pieces on the way!
*** Product was gifted from The Wood Veneer Hub and this post was sponsored by Frog Tape®. All opinions are my own.
Every thing you touch stands out with beauty and elegance! Love your work, patience, and determination! Keep up the good work.
That’s so nice, thank you, Dad! Miss you!