Holiday Home Tour 2023

Happy Holidays, friends! Christmas is quickly approaching and I thought I’d show you around the house with an official tour of all the spaces I’ve decorated for the holidays. If you missed it, I did already share our dining room, family room mantel, and front porch! Adding those, and more, below!



Living Room…

Dining Room…

Family Room…

Powder room…



Powder room…

Laundry room…

There you have it! Thank you so much for visiting, and Happy Holidays!


This Article Has 14 Comments
  1. Teddee Grace says:

    Everything is so lovely. The link to the gingerbread houses in the laundry is not working and they are so cute!

  2. Mary Wood says:

    By far your best you are such an inspiration!
    Happy Holidays to you and your family!
    Mary Wood

  3. Sue Sieg says:

    Absolutely stunning! You are amazing…..! Wishing you and your family the happiest holidays!

  4. Martha Fouraker says:

    You are so talented and creative! I respect your design aesthetic being so true to yourself. I’m always inspired by your blog xoxo

  5. Haneen: I am an Interior Designer in Omaha NE and I just discovered you. Your home is scrumptious. What a treat. I would like to invite you to check out my blog I think you might enjoy it. Thank you for the inspiration.

  6. Cindy@CountyRoad407 says:

    I have been going back and forth trying to decide whether to go bright or black with my kitchen walls. Your home solidified I’m going with the black. Your decor and entire tour was stunning. Love every nook and cranny. Hope you had a marvelous Christmas. Thanks for all the inspiration!

    • Haneen says:

      This is so kind of you to say! Thank you! Happy New Year and best of luck with the kitchen! I’m sure it will look fab!

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