You all have been so kind in your comments and questions regarding my office! I thought I’d blog about the process of gold dipping the cabinet in this room. I was definitely inspired by some images I found on Pinterest…
This is image is from Etsy seller theHouseofWillow
This image is from Young House Love
The look of a piece of furniture being “dipped” in gold had me at “hello!” So, I went about finding the right piece for the room. Our office was originally just a dumping ground for toys, so while I wanted this space to be clear of toys and clutter, I still needed it to be functional for my family. That meant finding a piece that could still hold some toys. The majority were headed to the basement, but I have a two year old, so his favorites needed to stay easily accessible. I found this cabinet from At Home…
Once I chose Club Navy by Ralph Lauren for the walls, I thought a green of sorts would look great against it. I decided to pull from the green pillows on the chairs.
Benjamin Moore Olive Tree was a close match that I was drawn to. I bought a quart of that and a can of gold metallic spray paint and got to work!
I think it’s easiest to set this up in four squares so you can see each step simultaneously…
Step 1: Remove hardware and lightly sand. Wipe down with a semi-damp cloth and wait to dry.
Step 2: Tape off where you’d like paint separated from gold. Paint above tape line.
Step 3. When paint has dried, remove tape and move it to above paint line. (If you don’t, there will be a strip of white separating paint and gold)
Step 4: Cover painted portion with paper.
Step 5: Spray paint the bottom portion gold.
Step 6: When paint has dried, remove paper and attach hardware
I found the arrow hardware at Hobby Lobby. They were more of a muted gold, so I actually spray painted them the same gold as the bottom portion of the cabinet. In case you haven’t seen this trick before, an easy way to spray paint hardware without getting your hands messy, is to push them into a random box, like this:
Hardware/Cabinet Before & After:
And that’s it! This cabinet is a great pop of color in the office and the perfect amount of storage for things we’d like tucked away! Let me know if you have any questions!