Fresh Ideas For Fall Home Tour

Hi, everyone! So glad you’re popping in for my second fall home tour. If you missed the first, you can find it by clicking HERE.  This blog hop is with some of my absolute favorite blogging besties! I love these women so much and I’m thankful to call them friends! The full list of links to their blogs is at the bottom of this post. If you’re visiting from Kelley Nan, welcome! Kelley is one tough act to follow! The woman is the queen of tablescapes, entertaining, and amazing photography! Her home is beautiful, and so is her heart!



So in my first Fall Home Tour, I showed you my front porch, took you through my entry/foyer, and showed you my little bedroom facelift (that would be my new gorgeous chandelier!)



Shop this room by scrolling and clicking…


Today I’m excited to show you some new things I found for our family room.

Let’s head inside, shall we?


Find my top by clicking HERE and similiar shoes HERE.


First off, I added more pumpkins to my green vintage book/trunk collection:)



So, to the right of the foyer is the living room, and I’ll be sharing that next week in my final Fall Home Tour. Thank you for your patience as I spread these out! For today, let’s head to the family room…



I’m so in love with my new velvet chairs! Green is my favorite color these days, and the rich deep hue inspired the rest of the space. I pulled these leopard pillows from my dining room!




 Find the shoes by clicking HERE.



Yes, I reupholstered that bench AGAIN. Lol. It’s such an easy fix, that I literally change the fabric every few months depending on my mood. I was getting tired of the pattern that was on it, and wanted a simple solid for fall. I also liked the idea of bringing in the texture of leather.





Really loving this long lumbar pillow from Stuck On Hue on Etsy. You can find it by clicking HERE




Can you tell I have a thing for abstract art/scribbles/brush strokes these days? I love the colors in this new piece on my mantle.




The thrifted green book collection continues on my mantle! I just love layering books. It’s such an easy space filler! Also, check out this large scale photograph- from Home Goods! I wish you could see it in person- the deep green of the trees looks awesome with the new chairs! Plus, the image itself is so beautiful. Everyone feels at peace when theyr’e outdoors, no? Staring at this makes me feel like I’m in the middle of nowhere: no schedule, no parenting stress, no carpooling, no whining, no deadlines. Just me, some trees, and low clouds. I’ll take it!




I love the ombre green vase and geometric pumpkin! They’re both from Home Goods:) That book under the pumpkin was my photography course book in college. Here are some of my favorite coffee table books…






Shop this room by scrolling and clicking…



Are you feeling this like I am? I hope you like it! These colors really pull me in when I walk in here. There’s something really warm about jewel tones mixed with wood and touches of brass. And Autumn is my favorite time of year, so scattering pumpkins here and there guarantees smiles. Know what else will guarantee you a smile? Browsing through the rest of these tours today! Brittany from Addison’s Wonderland is your next stop! Brittany has always been one of my favorites! She’s my color-loving soul sister! I absolutely adore her style, and watching her renovate her 100+ year old home has been such a treat! Here’s a preview. Isn’t it amazing? You can click on the image to be directed…



Addison’s Wonderland

Z Design At Home

The Sunny Side Up Blog

Citrine Living

Randi Garrett Design

Driven By Decor

Decor Gold Designs

Kelley Nan


Ps. I’m headed to NYC next week for the Better Homes & Gardens Style Maker event! Stay tuned for a recap when I return! Also, if you missed the little fashion show in my InstaStories, you can find the dresses I tried on for this event here…





*some affiliate links used


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