

Minted Holiday Cards

 Who still needs to pick out their holiday cards? Have you checked Minted? It's a marketplace of independent artists, and you all know I love supporting that! There's so much to love about Minted, and there's still plenty of time to order! If not for Christmas, they have a rock star selection of New Years cards as well! The quality of the…read more

Holiday Home Tour

  I am so thrilled to be part of a Holiday Home Tour alongside these super talented bloggers!  The House of Silver LiningAddison’s WonderlandRandi Garrett DesignCitrine LivingDesign Loves DetailKelley NanNesting With Grace If you're visiting from Kelley Nan's blog, welcome to the Winter Bloggerland Home Tour! Her home is stunning, isn't it? I'm so glad you're here, and I hope you find something…read more

Holiday Tablescape

 When I think of the holiday season, I think of entertaining, and I love to create beautiful tablescapes! I fully admit to being NO Martha Stewart in the kitchen. I may not be great at cooking, but I can definitely set a "mood" with my decor. We all have our strengths, right? You bring the food, I'll make it look good! Deal? I wasn't…read more

Winter Mantel

I've created a Winter Wonderland! On my mantel, that is! I love this holiday season. Sometimes I struggle decorating for it in my family room because I use mostly autumnal colors in there. I explained in my last post how I've gone about removing all traces of orange in my family room, but I still find with chocolate brown drapes and olive green…read more

Fun Holiday Decor Challenge!

 The holidays are approaching! I love how inspirational Instagram can be, especially when holidlays roll around! I've teamed up with some amazing designers/bloggers for a fun decor challenge on Instagram that's sure to fill you up with fun ideas as you roll out the ornament bins and hang your stockings by the chimney with care:) I love this time of year. Because truly,…read more

Transitioning to winter…

It's gloomy and wet outside; weather that makes me feel restless and wanting to "do something." Or snuggle. One of the two. But I went in the direction of accomplishing something today- something besides driving Book Fair money to my daughter because she forgot something for the millionth time in the past week. I think the school secretary and I should…read more

Tween Bedroom Makeover…

 So, my twelve-year-going-on-twenty-year-old daughter has decided she's "over" the room I put together for her when she was 10. At the time, she wanted bright and colorful. Even being someone who's naturally drawn to color, I knew the teal walls weren't the best idea. I tried to persuade her to go more neutral and promised lots of pops of whatever…read more

Pattern and Color Mixing…

Hi, friends! So, some folks have suggested blogging how I go about mixing colors and patterns. Let's chat about that, shall we? It's my favorite thing ever. If you're a rule follower, I may not be the person to ask. My "rule" is: Love it? Use it! If a room is composed of things/colors/patterns/textures you love, somehow it'll all come together. I've said it…read more

And so it begins…

Welcome to my blog! It sounds so strange to say that. When this venture began, starting a blog wasn't on my list of "to-dos." I simply created an Instagram feed dedicated soley to home decor/interior design so I could spare my friends and family from posts they may not be interested in. So here I am, almost a year later, with 20k followers…read more