

Autumn on the Back Porch

 It's the most wonderful time of the year! Wait, what? YES! I love Autumn so much that that's actually my first-born's name:) Gorgeous nature, Halloween, and lots of UofM football memories all truly make this THE most wonderful time of year for me. So, when Marty from A Stroll Thru Life asked me to participate in a fall home tour, I didn't hesitate!…read more

Big City Inspiration

I always leave big cities feeling inspired and revved up creatively, and New York was no exception! I traveled there last weekend with my husband's mom and two sisters and I'm already itching to go back. Everywhere I turned there was something new I wanted to stop and photograph. A random wall, a cool door, you name it. Just thought…read more

Random Inspiration

I receive so many questions asking where I start designing a room. I'd love to help guide you, but I'm writing today to tell you that inspiration can come from absolutely anywhere. I often find one random small thing that I fall in love with, and an entire room ends up being built around it. In the case of my 13…read more

Haven Conference

It's been a while! I've got to admit, summer has taken over my days over here, and I've missed blogging! So happy to be back from Atlanta with a renewed passion for it! If you weren't aware, I traveled to Atlanta this past week for the Haven Conference- a four day gathering of hundreds of bloggers to meet, mingle, and…read more

Wish List!

Do you guys ever play the "if we won the lottery" game? I swear my husband and I have this chat every time we take a road trip... I'm sorry I've been absent from Blogland recently. It's summer with four kids, folks! My days are spent figuring out how to keep them entertained. Last week we went to northern Michigan. We've…read more

Bloggers' Patio Party!

 Happy Summer, all! I hope you had a fun Independence Day weekend! Nothing beats time with friends and family! Check out this shot I got on my phone! An outdoor movie for the kiddos with fireworks...   Just screams summer to me! So does time with cousins in my parents' pool...  And sidewalk chalk...  And 4th of July parades watching my almost-13-year-old with her pom…read more

Internet Buddies

Not sure where to start this post, as it isn't a typical one. If you aren't new here, you know my blog is full of my passion for home decor/art/DIY. But I just wanted to share a little something different today.  Somewhere around Christmas time, sweet Shauna from The House of Silver Lining, invited me and a few other blogger buddies to her cottage…read more