

Weekend Sales Alert!

 Hi, everyone! Popping in over the weekend because I've rounded up a TON of sales for you that are happening now and I've got all the discount codes! I know a ton of friends (myself included) who spent some time after New Year's purging our closets of stuff we don't wear anymore. Time to start fresh with pieces that make…read more

DIY Valentine Craft

 Hi guys!! Quick blog post to lead you over to A Blissful Nest today, where I'm a guest blogger giving an easy and quirky little DIY gift for Valentine's non generic tramadol online discount lorazepam Day! I love a gift with some humor! Go check it out! And ps... that's the two of us at my sister's wedding:)          Cheers!Haneenread more

Heading to NYC

Hey, everyone! Hope your new year is off to a great start! I'm headed to NYC on Tuesday for a conference with Home Goods, and wanted to pop in and say hello before I go! Look at this sweet package of traveling goodies they mailed each of the bloggers attending...  I'll be sure to recap when I come home, but some…read more

Minted Holiday Cards

Folks, our holiday cards have finally arrived! I say "finally" not because the company was late but because I was slllllow at getting started! Shocking, I know. You guys: I LOVE MINTED. Like, seriously love. Their site is a fabulous home for independent artists, who I feature in my family room... You can purchase that print HERE.  And in my dining room... You can…read more

Welcome Home Tour

 Good morning, friends! If you're hopping over from Yellow Prairie Interiors, welcome!! So excited for today's tour, hosted by my friend Chris from Just A Girl. A crazy talented group of ladies are sharing their entries/foyers today! It's my final holiday tour of the season, and I've been anxious to wrap up the tours and get some inspiration out there…read more

Holiday Home Tour #2

 Ah!! This week is so fun!!! If you missed my first holiday home tour yesterday, click HERE. I'm beyond excited for tour number 2, as I'm sharing my family room and dining room. I've been trying to figure out just why I was loving decorating these rooms so much for this season, and I think I realized it's because both of…read more